"How to protect yourself from avalanches" - Lecture held by the Avalanche Safety Study Group (ASSH)!

The Avalanche Prevention Study Group (ASSH) conducts educational activities to promote scientific knowledge to prevent avalanche accidents, such as avalanche science, avalanche meteorology, and avalanche medicine, as well as the latest practical search and rescue methods. ).

Every year, ASSH holds avalanche prevention seminars, lectures, avalanche schools, and AvSAR for people involved in snow activities, including skiers and snowboarders, mountain guides, ski and snowboard guides, ski patrollers, and public rescue team members. We hold seminars, etc.

In preparation for the 2023-24 season, we will hold lectures at four venues across the country on the theme of ``How to protect yourself from avalanches.'' All events require advance registration and participation is free. The dates are as follows

■Sapporo October 28, 2023 (Saturday) 10:00~18:00
31st lecture “How to protect yourself from avalanches” in Sapporo [Advance registration required] ■Utsunomiya November 25, 2023 (Saturday) 10:00~18:00 6th lecture "How to protect yourself from avalanches" in Utsunomiya [Advance registration required]
■Tokyo November 26, 2023 (Sunday) 10:00~18:00 5th lecture Meeting “How to protect yourself from avalanches” in Tokyo (also available online)
■Hakuba Monday, December 21, 2023 14:00-21:00 4th lecture “How to protect yourself from avalanches” in Hakuba 《Pre-registration required》

The content of the lectures will be in an omnibus format given by multiple experts, and will cover a wide range of topics, including the science of avalanches, avalanche risk avoidance, medical stories related to avalanche accidents, avalanche search and rescue know-how, and the behavioral studies surrounding avalanches given by mountain guides.

The event will be held online only at the Tokyo venue, so you can participate from anywhere.
Participation is free, but registration is required and advance online application is required.
By the way, the program at the Tokyo venue is like this.

[Tokyo Venue/PROGRAM]
10:00 Opening
10:05~11:05 "Science of Snow and Avalanches" Takashi Katsushima (Forest Research Institute, Forestry Research and Management Organization) 11:10~12:10 "
Avalanche Risk Management - Behavior and Equipment - Hitoshi Onishi (Avalanche Prevention Research Group, Snow and Ice Disaster Investigation Team, Hokkaido Research Organization) 13:10 - 14:15 "Testimony - Hakuba Norikura Uratengu Avalanche Accident" Mikio Abe
( Avalanche Accident Prevention Study Group, Snow and Ice Disaster Investigation Team)
14:15~15:15 “Medicine of Avalanche Accidents - Hypothermia and Frostbite” Oikawa Oikawa (Avalanche Accident Prevention Study Group, Snow and Ice Disaster Investigation Team, Asahikawa Medical University)
15 :35~16:35 "Avalanche Search & Rescue (AvSAR)" Shinya Nakagawa (Snow and Ice Disaster Investigation Team, Japan Mountaineering Association, natuers.) 16:55~17:55 "Mountain Guide Behavior -
Avalanche To avoid accidents and to save your friends from avalanches~” Satoshi Tsukahara (Snow and Ice Disaster Investigation Team, Japan Mountain Guide Association, Hokkaido Backcountry Guides)

For skiers and snowboarders who enjoy the backcountry, this is a valuable opportunity to learn specialized knowledge and practical know-how that will all be useful. Please come and join us!

■Click here for application and details

◇ Avalanche Accident Prevention Study Group https://www.ash1991.net/
ASSH was established in 1991, and in addition to former members of the Hokkaido University Mountain Ski Club, Mountaineering Club, and Wundervogel Club, it also supports research from the Hokkaido University Institute of Low Temperature Science. Volunteers, skiers who enjoy snowy mountains, mountaineers, and doctors have joined the group and have been enthusiastically working on the project.