Solo exhibition by ``photographer'' Gaku Harada | "FAR EAST SNOW ATTITUDE #WATERPARTY" | Held from 7/6 @ Nakameguro, Tokyo " gallery"

A solo exhibition of the photobook ``FAR EAST SNOW ATTITUDE / #01 Water Party'' by ``Photographer'' Gaku Harada will be held from July 6th (Sat).
The location is " gallery" in Nakameguro, Tokyo.

``FAR EAST SNOW ATTITUDE / #01 Water Party'' is a 160-page book that summarizes the beauty of snowboarding water rides through ponds and puddles that form in early spring as the weather gets warmer. The first edition of 300 individual copies has already sold out and is currently only available for purchase at participating stores.

The solo exhibition will feature works from the photo book as well as new photos taken this season. Additionally, artist asa_3000_ will exhibit a collage using sample prints from the photobook production process.

As summer approaches in Tokyo, why not enjoy the cool and beautiful works while thinking about the snowy mountains?


FAR EAST SNOW ATTITUDE #waterparty photo exhibition
Instagram: Gaku Harada | fareastsnowattitude
Date: July 6th (Sat) - 12th (Fri)
Time: 12:00-19:00
Venue: gallery | midori.so_gallery
〒153 -00423F, 3-3-11 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo