SMITHoptics will carry out the long-awaited slope caravan! A perfect chance to try the featured SMITH goggles/helmets on the slopes!


In the 2020-21 season, SMITHoptics
will carry out a caravan on the slopes of each region for the first time as a brand?
! A great chance to try out the latest model SMITH goggles/helmets on the snow!


Speaking of SMITH, the top brand of eyewear that is not pushed. It has long been popular among snowboarders as well as freeride skiers.

This season, SMITH will hold a product fitting event on the snow for the first time as SMITHoptics.
It is also said that they will caravan ski resorts all over the country.

This is great news for users , as they have the chance to actually try out various items on the slopes, from the latest model goggles to helmets with the top market share in the industry

It is surprisingly difficult to decide on what criteria to use when choosing goggles.
I'm grateful that I can ask anything from the expert staff, from the points of lens selection to how to care for them. Helmets can also be tried on.

Furthermore, there may be an opportunity for riders to attend and give advice on site.
Maybe we'll be skating together...? !



You can actually use SMITH optics' state-of-the-art goggles and helmets on the slopes somewhere every week

[SMITHoptics "20-21SMITH DEMO caravan"]

Here is the current schedule.

12/18 (Fri) - 19 (Sat) Sapporo International (Hokkaido)
12/20 (Sun) Kiroro (Hokkaido)
1/16 (Sat) - 17 (Sun) Naeba (Niigata)
1/22 (Fri) - 24 ( Sun) Hoshino Resort Alts Bandai (Fukushima)
1/30 (Sat) - 2/1 (Mon) Mitsumata (Niigata)
2/5 (Fri) - 6 (Sat) Hakuba Happo (Nagano)
2/7 (Sun) Tsugaike (Nagano)
2/20 (Sat) - 22 (Mon) Nozawa Onsen (Nagano)

* Details such as the location of the day will be distributed from SMITH optics' SNS, so be sure to check it out.

[SMIT Hoptics SNS]

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