If you look at this, the powder festival during the consecutive holidays will be 300 times more fun! NOZAWAonsen CompassHouseTV presents "How to slide powder Q&A"


Nozawa Onsen's Compass House, led by Yudai Ueno
will give a lecture on techniques and gear to enjoy the powder skiing

Here's the content of Compass House TV, which was broadcast live on January 7, 2021.
He taught me how to ski well in powder and nice gear to enjoy powder in an easy-to-understand manner.
As long as I'm happy to answer the questions from the viewers live.

Day after day, the mountain is heavy snow and a chance to be absorbed in powder!
You will learn in a really timely manner.
A must-see for those who go skiing during this consecutive holiday. So please share!


> Quote: From NOZAWAonsen CompassHouseTV

During the acclaimed powder explosion!
I think many people experienced the fun and difficulty of powder skiing for the first time in a while during the New Year holidays. Yudai Ueno × TOMO × TKY talk about the charm and excitement of how to slide on such powder.
In addition, Yudai Ueno and TOMO will provide technical explanations.
If you take a look at this, the powder festival from next weekend onwards should be 300 times more fun!

▼ Click here for NOZAWAonsen CompassHouseTV channel registration

The charm of COMPASS HOUSE

Yuta Ueno, the owner and pioneer of the freeskiing world, and Tomohiro Murai, the store manager and ARMADA advisory staff.
In addition, ARMADA rider, guide & boot fitter Kawaguchi TKY takaya will join us in winter, and three specialists will respond to any request.
This live broadcast is one of them, so be sure to subscribe to the channel.

❖ Compass House events too!

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