WEB media "ON THE EDGE" that introduces activity information of THE NORTH FACE has started!



THE NORTH FACE debuts new activity web media "ON THE EDGE"!


We will deliver content related to various activities as activities of THE NORTHFACE, activities of athletes , and episodes born from them.


The latest article introduces the story and thoughts of THE NORTH FACE athlete skier Ayana Onozuka and snowboarder Aya Sato, who both won the Japan Freeride Open held in Hakuba in February. has been published.

[Articles are also available in the archive]

・ Global athlete and world's strongest ultra runner, Pau Capel 's challenge
https://www.goldwin.co.jp/tnf/ special/on_the_edge/run/ pau2.html

・Development and restoration of Futagoyama by Yuji Hirayama, etc.
https://www.goldwin.co.jp/tnf/ special/on_the_edge/climb/ hirayama.html